A Journey Along Stepping Stones

I’m probably one of the most conservative people you will ever meet. Though I’m not afraid of taking risks, I definitely steer clear of anything that might be perceived as breaking the law or bordering on sketchy. So when people began asking what had brought about the dramatic change in my health, telling them I was taking CBD oil was either met with questions like “What is that?” or “Isn’t that illegal?” or “Are you doing drugs?” (Ironically, the answer was yes, I was doing so many “drugs” that I couldn’t do anything else).

Though the acceptance of CBD has come a long way in 2 years, we still have a long way to go; and I don’t mean acceptance by the consuming public but government, law enforcement and the banking industry. Even though we aren’t doing anything illegal or underhanded, out of fear of being affiliated with a company with ‘hemp’ in its name, our bank closed our account and it took us more than a month to find another bank who would work with us. Out of fear of being affiliated with a company that might be trading in illegal goods or laundering money, our credit card processor, our website provider(s), our email service provider(s) as well as PayPal shut down our accounts. We even tried to purchase radio advertising and were denied because the radio station’s bank would not allow them to receive payments from us.

So, we’ve faced a few obstacles along the way but we’ve seen each become a stepping stone. It would have been easy to give up but we believe in this mission. We believe hemp and CBD have so many beneficial properties that it is worth the fight.

But we could use your help if you could spare 5 minutes.

We’ve just set up our Google business page and I think we’ve just gotten our 2nd review and could use a few more. If you wouldn’t mind leaving a review of your experience with our product(s), we would greatly appreciate it! Our hope is that your experience has been a positive one but if it hasn’t, we hope you will share the good and bad with honesty and sincerity so that others might learn from your own journey.

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